Роllеn are tiny granules gathered by Bees from flowers. It’s one of
nature’s most complete foods rich in proteins and antioxidants. They
are very rich in proteins and considered as super natural food.
1. Pollen increases the body’s resistance and
is full of enzymes that favour the proper functioning of all processes
in the human body.
2. Its consumption normalizes blood pressure, fat metabolism, strengthens
blood cells, helps in regulating weight and eliminates cellulite.
3. It is useful in the treatment of thyroid gland, nervous diseases,
colitis, constipation, anaemia and menstrual pain.
4. It is extremely beneficial for the heart and the circulatory system
and increases potency.
5. German Health Ministry has officially recognized Bee Pollen as a
Medicine (Linsken & Jorde, 1997).
Pure and raw honey is the one of the world’s
best health foods. It is full of natural nutrients and has no expiration
date. It needs no refrigeration or preservatives.
Honey has many medicinal uses. One of the best is using it as a natural cough syrup. A cup of warm herbal or regular tea with a tablespoon of lemon juice and as much honey as you need to make it sweet and it will calm and dry up that cough without the drugs in a commercial cough syrup.
Another medicinal value of honey is for reflux and digestion. A tablespoon of raw honey settles the acid stomach quickly. After twenty minutes, another tablespoon for good measure insures the settled stomach. So enjoy your raw honey and good eating!!! Diverticulitis is also calmed by a tablespoon of honey. After that, some warm water can be sipped and a little more honey should help fairly quickly.
Today's science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients.